We made 'Ehoh-maki'which is a special rolled sushi in dried laver seaweed we eat on Setsubun,Feb 3rd.
We also played 'Fukuwarai'.
It is one of traditional games we play in new year.
We didn't have time to play it in the last-month event,so I decided to enjoy the game with our students this time instead.
It was exciting and we all enjoyed it very much.
The students were separated into several teams.
Fukuwarai is a game to make a face, putting face parts one by one, without looking.
One person put a blindfold over the eyes and the others tell where he/she should put the face parts.
We made a rule that the other teams can tell wrong directions to disturb the person.
They were so loud that I guess the players couldn't hear thier teammate's voice...
I'm so sorry for using the famous TV entertainers' faces....
Haruka Ayase, Keisuke Kuwata, Matsuko Delax, Takuya Kimura....
Their face can't be recognized anymore..
And we played S.H.J. Special Karuta after that.
And then, we ate Ehoh-maki!
I tried to make A LOT of steamed rice for the students, and it turned into a fiasco.
The rice wasn't cooked enough, though I used a rice cooker...
I'm a bad.. bad cooker:-(
Our students were smiling wryly...;
I've never made such a lot of rice before.. that's why it didn't go well......
But the other teachers tried to make the rice softer with a microwave and it got better.
I'm so sorry,everyone!!
They were all good at rolling rice!
Ujjwal-san looks very serious.
We were supposed to eat the rolled sushi looking in north-northwest and eat without a word.
An acquaintance of ours saw it from the street in front of the school and told me
' I saw you eating Ehoh-maki today!'
The Fukuwarai made by students is put on the board just outside of the school
and many passers-by seem to look at it with interests:-D