In Japanese era, it's Heisei 23.
I might be saying everytime in this blog, but I'm surprised how quickly time goes by.
Time seem to pass faster as I get older.
In Japan, it was a fine day on New year's day.
I hope I could stay in Japan during the new year's holiday, but actually I'm in Seoul now.
It's so cold in Korea this year!
Well, I don't know how cold it is here in winter,though.
This is my first trip to Korea^^!
It's been a while to come to such a cold place... it's minus 4 degrees celsius!
My finger tips, nose, and cheeks turn red and as I see them, I feel like singing the well-known
chrismas song, 'Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer~~~'.
In Japan, there was a Shimenawa 'a sacred straw festoon' on the chair at my desk.
It's a kind of lucky charm, but since it's not on the right place ,looks a little ominous for me;
We call the first dream of the new year ' Hatsuyume'
and it is said that the year will be a good one if you dream of something nice.
My first dream was a little strange, it was about my job but latter half was about me meetiing a nice person.
So I'm looking forward to see how this year will be^^
We are going to make our school better, well even better this year, so please keep up with us^^!
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